More details.

We’d like to share a bit more about the assistive technology skills and knowledge you’ll receive in our programs.

The courses described in this section are included with the Masters and 6th year certificate.  Interested in learning more or ready to apply?  Visit our Special Education Department Graduate Programs website!

Assistive Technology for Core Academics

SED 593 focuses on assistive technology that can be utilized in the regular education classroom to promote inclusion.  You will be exposed to a wide array of tools (including but not limited to Read and Write for Google, Snap and Read, CoWriter, and ClickerWriter).  In this flexible learning environment with online options, you will apply assistive technology to classroom activities and assignments to facilitate access for all.

Assistive Technology for Access

SED 594 explores assistive technology for computer access, communication, and environmental access.  In this course you will experience using an eye gaze system, using switch access to control a computer, and low tech assistive technology solutions.  In this flexible learning environment with online options, you will have the opportunity to design activities and program software to increase your  

Assistive Technology Assessment

SED 595 introduces and practices approaches to complete assistive technology evaluations.  The SETT (student, environment, task, and tool) will be utilized to focus on the student’s needs first.  In class practice of administration of a variety of formative assessment to feature match assistive technology with a student’s needs.

Our Philosophy.

Dr. Lauren Tucker is the area coordinator for the Assistive Technology programs and teaches the core courses.  She strives to create a welcoming classroom environment for anyone (regardless of technical background).  The project-based and universally designed activities promote engagement, build practical technology skills, and foster creative problem solving…all crucial within education.  

Here are some quotes from AT program Alumni regarding the program:

“During the interviewing process, I had a lot of offers and call backs. The administrators interviewing me consistently indicated they were interested in my resume because of my experience with AT. It is unlikely that I would have been able to get the job I presently have with just certification as a special education. Having done my masters in AT solidified me as a candidate.”

“It has significantly impacted my practice, career and personal life. As a classroom teacher, I was able to incorporate AT in my daily lessons. I had positive feedback from my peers, students' parents, administrators and students. Some of the tools that I have learned about have helped me to achieve more at my job as well by utilizing the same tools and strategies that we studied. There were things that I learned in the course of my degree that have been extremely helpful. I was able to leave with concrete materials to help me succeed and with connections made to the broader AT community. Even some of the text books from the classes I am able to use to help me in my practice.”

“Dr. Tucker was my professor for the majority of my classes. The assignments that we completed for her class all made sense for the program. I never felt like I was doing busy work. She embedded some really neat tools within her slides for classes as well which helped me to grow in my practice. Dr. Tucker pushed us to excel and expand our current practice…She demonstrated a passion for the field and a desire to advance the research within it. Had Dr. Tucker not been teaching my courses, I truly feel that the program would not have been of the same quality. In my practice, I have run into other graduates and current students of Dr. Tucker's in the AT program and they have all shared similar feelings about her expertise and experience with her as a professor.”

Additional Questions?

If you’d like to meet or you have additional questions, feel free to email me!


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